- From: Coralie Mercier <coralie@w3.org>
- Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2012 16:13:17 +0100
- To: public-w3c-digest@w3.org
This is the 30 November - 7 December 2012 edition of a “weekly digest of W3C news and trends" that the W3C Communications Team prepares for the W3C Membership and public-w3c-digest mailing list (publicly archived [1]) [sent separately]. This digest aggregates information about W3C from online media, a snapshot of how W3C and its work is apprehended in online media. [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3c-digest/ Notably this week: - 1400 stories about W3C on Twitter in 7 days. - 2300 mentions of W3C in 7 days with a peak yesterday (400+ mentions) that match 1) Marcos Cáceres’ blog post about why he’s running for the TAG election, 2) a short blog post reminder by Daniel Glazman of the 10 December deadline to submit a position paper for the W3C Workshop on Electronic Books and the Open Web Platform. - net increase of 400 Twitter followers in 7 days, now 50533 followers. - 23 posts that dlvr.it posted to StatusNet, Twitter and Facebook between Nov 27 - Dec 04 got 30.6K clicks (+29%), delivered to 58.2K connections (+0.8%). Below is the compilation of what I harvested monitoring the (micro)blogosphere and press. W3C-related Twitter buzz ------------------------ [Things that were tweeted frequently, things that caught my attention, etc. Most *recent* first (popularity is flagged with the figure between parenthesis —that is the number of times the same URIs or tweet was quoted/RTed.] * (10) Marcos Cáceres Blog: W3C TAG elections <http://marcosc.com/2012/12/w3c-tag-elections/> * (21 —4 yesterday) Alex Russell Blog: Election Season [Note: Post dated 6-Nov] <http://infrequently.org/2012/11/election-season/> * (10) Daniel Glazman Blog: W3C Workshop on Electronic Books and the Open Web Platform <http://www.glazman.org/weblog/dotclear/index.php?post/2012/12/06/W3C-Workshop-on-Electronic-Books-and-the-Open-Web-Platform> * (14) Statements about W3C TAG nominees for 2012 Election <http://www.w3.org/2012/12/03-tag-nominations> * (1091) BBC Technology: “Berners-Lee warns of net threat” <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-20594779> * (7) Manu Sporny’s “Microdata CR Objection Rationale Statement” <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Dec/0020.html> * (16) Henri Sivonen: [whatwg] A plea to Hixie to adopt <main> <http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2012-December/038219.html> W3C in the Press (or some blogs) -------------------------------- Of the 21 articles that I added to our Press Clippings page, the highlights are: * Internet neutrality * European Commission / public Website accessibility * DNT / Peter Swire * Firefox 18 Beta Below is a selection of articles. [Most recent first. title, source (date), link. Find keywords and the full list of articles on our Press clippings page: http://www.w3.org/Press/Articles ] The UN asks for control over the world’s Internet RT (6 December) http://rt.com/usa/news/un-internet-itu-packet-385/ Ex-White House Official Aims to Get 'Do Not Track' Back on Track NationalJournal (6 December) http://www.nationaljournal.com/tech/ex-white-house-official-aims-to-get-do-not-track-back-on-track-20121206 Sir Tim Berners-Lee: 'The UN Should Not Run The Internet' Huff Post Tech (5 December) http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/12/05/sir-tim-berners-lee-the-un-internet_n_2242723.html?utm_hp_ref=tw Tim Berners-Lee ouvre les portes de l’Open Data Institute (Tim Berners-Lee opens the doors of the Open Data Institute) Silicon.fr (4 December) http://www.silicon.fr/tim-berners-lee-inauguration-open-data-institute-81562.html Sir Tim Berners-Lee flags UN net conference concerns BBC News Technology (4 December) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-20594779 European Commission Wants Single Set Of Website Accessibility Rules To Apply To Government Sites By 2015 TechCrunch (3 December) http://techcrunch.com/2012/12/03/european-commission-wants-single-set-of-website-accessibility-rules-to-apply-to-government-sites-by-2015/ Bandwidth Savvy Apps With New W3C API I Programmer (3 December) http://www.i-programmer.info/news/81-web-general/5161-bandwidth-savvy-apps-with-new-w3c-api.html The W3C web accessibility initiative: 2012 in review Access iQ (1 December) http://www.accessiq.org/news/w3c-column/2012/12/the-w3c-web-accessibility-initiative-2012-in-review 'Father of the internet': Why we must fight for its freedom CNN (30 November) http://edition.cnn.com/2012/11/29/business/opinion-cerf-google-internet-freedom/index.html Do Not Track Negotiations In Danger Of Breaking Down WebProNews (30 November) http://www.webpronews.com/do-not-track-negotiations-in-danger-of-breaking-down-2012-11 Firefox 18 looks very promising: IonMonkey compiler, PDF reader, WebRTC GNT (US) (27 November) http://us.generation-nt.com/firefox-ionmonkey-javascript-pdf-webrtc-news-3874992.html -- Coralie Mercier - W3C Communications Team - http://www.w3.org W3C/ERCIM - B219 - 2004, rte des lucioles - 06410 Biot - FR mailto:coralie@w3.org +33492387590 http://www.w3.org/People/CMercier/
Received on Friday, 7 December 2012 15:13:19 UTC