- From: Coralie Mercier <coralie@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2012 18:21:12 +0100
- To: public-w3c-digest@w3.org
This is the 26 October - 6 November 2012 edition of a "digest of W3C news and trends" that the W3C Communications Team prepares for the W3C Membership and public-w3c-digest mailing list (publicly archived [1]) [sent separately]. This digest aggregates information about W3C from online media, a snapshot of how W3C and its work is apprehended as viewed from online media. Like this edition, the next digest will span ten days; I will compile it on Friday, 16 November. [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3c-digest/ Notably this week: - 1600 stories about W3C on Twitter in 7 days. - 4000 mentions of W3C in 10 days. - Peak of >600 Twitter mentions last Wednesday, the day we held our annual Technical Plenary, in the middle of TPAC2012 [2]. - net increase of 810+ Twitter followers in 10 days. - 24 posts that dlvr.it posted to StatusNet, Twitter and Facebook between Oct 23 - Oct 30 got 36K clicks (+28.8%), delivered to 55.6K connections. [2] http://www.w3.org/2012/10/TPAC/ Below is the compilation of what I harvested monitoring the (micro)blogosphere and press. W3C-related Twitter buzz ------------------------ [Things that were tweeted frequently, things that caught my attention, etc. Most *recent* first (popularity is flagged with the figure between parenthesis —that is the number of times the same URIs or tweet was quoted/RTed.] * (21) Paul Rouget: “Which one is the most accurate for you? IP Location vs W3C Location: http://location.diogomonica.com” <https://twitter.com/paulrouget/status/265503188751376384> * (26) Video: Respimg CG presents to HTML Working Group <https://vimeo.com/52789903> (37) Respimg CG Call for demos in advance of TPAC2012 <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-respimg/2012Oct/0108.html> * (31) Daniel Glazman: “we found the W3C song, from the Beatles: "You say yes, I say no, you say why, I say I don't knoooooowww" #tpac @w3c” <https://twitter.com/glazou/status/263922769446707203> * (17) W3C Devrel first tweet <https://twitter.com/w3cdev/status/263627145400705024> * (47) CSS Priorities 2012-oct-17 [on CSS WG co-chair’s Webstie] <http://disruptive-innovations.com/zoo/customers/CSSWG/Priorities.html> * (20) W3C Web content accessibility guidelines become ISO/IEC International Standard <http://www.iso.org/iso/home/news_index/news_archive/news.htm?refid=Ref1670> W3C in the Press (or some blogs) -------------------------------- Of the 21 articles that I added to our Press Clippings page, the highlight is: * Do Not Track (12 articles) Here is a selection of articles about W3C in the Press: [Most recent first. title, source (date), link. Find keywords on our Press clippings page: http://www.w3.org/Press/Articles ] FTC to apply pressure on Do Not Track The H Open (6 November) http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/FTC-to-apply-pressure-on-Do-Not-Track-1744175.html The W3C Speech API - A Google Initiative I Programmer (5 November) http://www.i-programmer.info/news/98-languages/5030-the-w3c-speech-api-a-google-initiative.html HTML5 and the future of the web TechWorld.com (5 November) http://www.techworld.com/business-it-hub/tech-briefing/3409108/html5-future-of-web/ Is 'Do Not Track' Patented? Develop in the Cloud (5 November) http://developinthecloud.drdobbs.com/author.asp?section_id=2247&doc_id=253622&f_src=developinthecloud_sitedefault U.K. Government Embraces Openness The Wall Street Journal - Tech Europe (2 November) http://blogs.wsj.com/tech-europe/2012/11/02/u-k-government-embraces-openness/ HTML5 mythbusting Mozilla Hacks (1 November) https://hacks.mozilla.org/2012/11/html5-mythbusting/ Web standards vet marches Microsoft to the front lines (Q&A) CNET (30 October) http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57541396-93/web-standards-vet-marches-microsoft-to-the-front-lines-q-a/ Accessibilité du Web : les règles du W3C validées par l'ISO (Web accessibility: W3C rules validated by ISO) ZDNet.fr (29 October) http://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/accessibilite-du-web-les-regles-du-w3c-validees-par-l-iso-39784036.htm Yahoo! will! ignore! 'Do! Not! Track!' from! IE10! The Register (26 October) http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/10/26/yahoo_to_ignore_ie10_do_not_track/ W3C publishes Working Draft for Push API The H Open (26 October) http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/W3C-publishes-Working-Draft-for-Push-API-1737314.html What happened to do not track? Lexology (24 October) http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=071dd872-8d3b-4b4c-a78c-3d77d01cd53d "Espionner Internet, c'est comme manier de la dynamite" ("Spying on Internet is like handling dynamite") Le Monde.fr (16 October) http://solutionsauxentreprises.lemonde.fr/securite-de-l-information/-espionner-internet-c-est-comme-manier-de-la-dynamite-_a-32-711.html EU chief warns against "watering down" Do Not Track PC Pro (11 October) http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/377518/eu-chief-warns-against-watering-down-do-not-track -- Coralie Mercier - W3C Communications Team - http://www.w3.org W3C/ERCIM - B219 - 2004, rte des lucioles - 06410 Biot - FR mailto:coralie@w3.org +33492387590 http://www.w3.org/People/CMercier/
Received on Tuesday, 6 November 2012 17:21:24 UTC