Hi Dillon,
I cannot seem to find the agenda and dial-in information for today's
call at 10:30am EDT. I was traveling this week and perhaps I missed it?
I'll go to #anniv on irc and hopefully find it.
On 10/11/2013 7:00 AM, Dillon Mann wrote:
> Dear All
> I hope that you are well. I'm writing to propose that our next task
> force call takes place next Friday, 18 October at the regular time of
> 10.30 EST. A call this afternoon is likely not necessary - Anne has
> had bilateral discussions with many of you this week, and the slight
> delay in the logos will have meant many of us haven't had time to
> receive feedback from within our organisations. Let me know if anyone
> has any concerns or queries regarding this - otherwise I will be in
> touch mid next week to re-confirm and circulate dial in details.
> All the best,
> Dillon
> Dillon Mann
> Senior Communications Adviser
> +27 76 238 2313 (ZA)
> +44 203 289 7261 (UK)
> @dillonmann
> *World Wide Web Foundation | 1889 F Street NW, Washington DC, 20006,
> USA | www.webfoundation.org <http://www.webfoundation.org/> | Twitter:
> @webfoundation*
Karen Myers
Business Development Lead, MIT
Office: +1.617.253.5509
Mobile: +1.978.502.6218