next anniv TF mtg, Fri. 24-May

Hi all,

Our (abbreviated) anniversary task force call last Friday, 17-May resulted
in a suggestion to do more of bottom-up, rather than top-down, planning
right now. As a first step in this regard, I've added a calendar to the wiki
showing which W3C and Web Foundation are already on our schedules for 2014,
so they we might target these activities directly for creating awareness.
I've also added a section for Tim, but only added his usual trip to the
WEF's conference in Davos, Switzerland in January.


See on the wiki here:


Let's try and talk again this coming Friday, 24-May at 10:30 a.m. ET. With
only limited time available before the AC Meeting in Tokyo, I think it's
time to decide whether or not we have enough of a proposal to present to the
W3C members then.


Same conference details:

IRC channel is Anniv

Friday, 24 May 14:30-16:00 UTC (10:30am-12:00pm Boston local)

Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference code is 2668 ("ANNV")


Some outstanding questions:

--Do we have enough interest/support to use One Web as overarching theme?

--Objective of the anniversary celebrations (e.g. are we only trying to
raise awareness and celebrate? Or should we establish bizdev or
philanthropic goals too?)

--We know at a minimum we'll need a mark or logo for the
should we integrate the two anniversaries?

--If we want to better leverage Tim speaking opps in 2014, what is our wish




Received on Monday, 20 May 2013 18:25:41 UTC