W3C and anniversaries task force

Dear Ian, Karen, Troy, Dillon, and Karina, 


Thank you for your time last Friday to discuss the W3C/Web anniversaries. We
concluded that additional conversations would be helpful to develop a
proposal I could present to the W3C Advisory Committee reps on June 10 in
Tokyo. I've booked a conference bridge for this Friday at 10:30 a.m. Boston
(ET) again for those who can make this subsequent discussion. 

Friday, 17 May 14:30-16:00 UTC
013&hour=14&min=30&sec=0&p1=0>  (10:30am-12:00pm Boston local)
Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 2668 ("ANNV"), then press #

I apologize that this day is once again not convenient for Manyoung and Amy,
but I welcome their input on the wiki and on the listserv. Karen, I also
realize you're in Rio and might not make the call.


Most likely we'll have another task force discussion next week, and can
revisit the best day/time for scheduling again.


Thank you


Received on Wednesday, 15 May 2013 14:00:53 UTC