Confirming I will attend.
On 7/11/2013 3:13 PM, Marilyn Siderwicz wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'd like to revert to ouroriginal10:30 am ETfortomorrow'sthe_W3C
> Anniversaries task
> force_<>conference
> call.
> Same details as always:
> Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 2668 ("ANNV")
> IRC channel is #anniv (note five letters, not four like above).
> Here are the IRC minutes from the June 28, 2013 discussion.
> _
> July 12Agenda topics to include:
> --updates(all)
> --2012Internet Societyanniversarycelebration(Ian)
> --W3M proposal at Woods meeting next week (Marilyn)
> --Theme discussion (cont'd) (all)
> Hope you can make it. If you can't attend, please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Marilyn
Karen L. Myers
Business Development Lead, MIT
Office: +1.617.253.5509
Mobile: +1.978.502.4366