RE: W3C requests marketing input

Hi Charles,

Thanks for your inquiry. 

If you mean potential new task force participants don't speak English, then yes, we'll need to give that issue more thought!

If you mean anniversary events that would involve global participation by non-English speaking people, the task force will address these localization issues, including language, as part of the process.

Our first objective would be to define and scope an anniversary campaign theme.

Then the task force will need to brainstorm and propose what W3C could do in 2014. Right now, our thinking is pretty wide open, although I'm personally leaning away from traditional formal dinner programs (been there/done that). 

The 'what' could be any activity (not just events) and also could be multiple varied things. "Global" and "online" are obviously big drivers. For example, we could do an online contest or a Web-based cause campaign (e.g. get more youth to learn to code). How we scope something like that online necessarily would involve reviewing internationalization requirements. 

We're also going to see where we can leverage existing (W3C and non-W3C related) activities throughout the year so we can extend the anniversary over more of the year. For example, we already know our sister organization, The Web Foundation, is planning a 'Web and the Arts' type festival in the UK sometime in 2014, so the task force will work with them to see how to coordinate something together.

As part of our brainstorming and prioritizing efforts, we'll need to determine 'how' and 'how to fund' any of the suggestions too. I anticipate a flexible, modular approach so we can easily select, substitute, or forego ideas to mix and match. Getting an ad agency to join our task force would be nice, too, especially if they were to offer some pro bono services!

Please let me know if I'm answering your concerns. If not, please continue the discussion.

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles McCathie Nevile [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 9:26 AM
To:; Marilyn Siderwicz
Subject: Re: W3C requests marketing input

Hi Marilyn,

On Thu, 04 Apr 2013 15:57:13 +0300, Marilyn Siderwicz <>

> I would appreciate your help in identifying other members of your 
> organizations-particularly in marketing or advertising--who might 
> volunteer to contribute to the discussion and planning. I prepared a 
> simple message below that you could cut/paste and forward to those who 
> might join one, or both, of these task forces.

Our interest is (perhaps not surprisingly) pretty directly related to our perception of the likelihood that these will be global events.

Could you share a little of your thinking on how this would work - how will you make this relevant to an audience that doesn't speak english?



Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex         Find more at

Received on Thursday, 4 April 2013 18:44:31 UTC