[voiceinteraction] minutes January 15, 2025

and below as text


      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                             - DRAFT -
                           Voice Interaction

15 January 2025

   [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log.

      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-voiceinteraction/2025Jan/0000.html
      [3] https://www.w3.org/2025/01/15-voiceinteraction-irc


          debbie, dirk, gerard, kaz





    1. [4]GitHub issues
    2. [5]workshop
    3. [6]Summary of action items

Meeting minutes

  GitHub issues

   dirk: reviews GitHub issues
   . #64

   debbie: still plan to look at userML


      [7] https://github.com/w3c/voiceinteraction/issues/64

   dirk: will suggest something to be added to the spec


   dirk: added section about Discovery
   . in 3.3.2 of Architecture

   API call would be to the provider registry

   dirk: we can close #63

   #62, add paragraph about GenAI

   debbie: did this, let's review

   dirk: looks good, we can close


   debbie: misspelled "historical" in the first section

   debbie: don't think we need another use case

   dirk: we can close #61

   #60 Taxonomy of private data types

   gerard: I don't know what to write

   dirk: will make a suggestion that Gerard can edit

   #58 , still need a sentence to clarify meaning of IPA

   dirk: second paragraph in the introduction

   rrsagent format minutes

   dirk: fixed #54


   debbie: PC first or CFP first?

   kaz: can do a preliminary CFP
   . plh will bring proposal to W3C management

   kaz: will create dedicated repository for workshop

   debbie: what's in the GitHub issue


      [8] https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues/221

   debbie: need to update issues

   kaz: Note that Web Audio group is updating Web Speech API

   debbie: "smart agents" is broader than Web Speech API

   debbie: languages have partially been addressed by LLMs

   debbie: we can't address languages

   kaz: important for Smart Cities, this is an important use case
   . also Web of Things

   kaz: need to clarify who can do what, also virtualization of

   <kaz> [9]Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities Interest
   Group Charter

      [9] https://www.w3.org/2024/06/smart-cities/

   kaz: virtual workshop is several sessions over two days, to
   accommodate time zones

   debbie: goal should be to clarify use cases
   . also talk about requirements

   dirk: talk about technologies that are out there

   kaz: pain points

   dirk: why is it important to address pain points

   debbie: need to talk about the summary of the current status

   debbie: is the pronunciation work in APA active?

   kaz: should talk with Janina

   debbie: work was done a couple of years ago

   debbie: start new repository

   dirk: will adapt issue and bring up to date
   . in the new repository

   debbie: what have we learned from the Web Speech API?

   ACTION: kaz to start repo

   ACTION: dirk to update information from old issue

   debbie: come back during next call

   the next call will be January 29

   kaz: at some time we need a new call for the Program Committee

Summary of action items

    1. [10]kaz to start repo
    2. [11]dirk to update information from old issue

Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2025 16:39:40 UTC