[voiceinteraction] minutes May 8, 2024


 and below as text. 
Our next call will be May 22.


      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                             - DRAFT -
                           Voice Interaction

08 May 2024

   [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log.

      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-voiceinteraction/2024May/0000.html
      [3] https://www.w3.org/2024/05/08-voiceinteraction-irc


          debbie, dirk, gerard





Meeting minutes

   dirk: provider selection strategy and chaining everything
   . added graphics from architecture
   . provider selection strategy implementation, one strategy
   matches modalities
   . this is one example of a provider selection strategy

   debbie: could there be more Provider Selection Strategy?

   dirk: yes, could chain different criteria, modality matching is
   always required
   . also created provider registry
   . the registry is just a list of IPA providers

   debbie: Open Voice just published a "manifest" format



   dirk: endpoint could be other than a URL
   . are there any restrictions on accessing?
   . should be in it
   . don't think IPA should state where it is
   . the object should have an id, and then a configuration object
   tells you where it is

   dirk: should there be public/private distinction?

   gerard: the personal assistant should use anonymized access to
   the cloud assistant
   . the public access would be through the personal assistant

   dirk: the reply would never be able to be tailored to the user

   gerard: if you need to convey user-specific information you use
   a peer to peer connection to your doctor

   dirk: at some point can you say that you trust this site and
   then you can exchange private information?
   . but if you establish trust this could be allowed

   dirk: configuration would include id and whether you need to
   authenticate or not

   gerard: how does the Estonian system handle GDPR?

   debbie: not sure

   dirk: is this something the user would ask the assistant?

   dirk: descriptions would have to be language-dependent

   dirk: can restrict Google search to a specific language

   gerard: Gary Kuhn is a colleague who lives in Estonia now

   dirk: would like to have an id so that we can find where errors
   came from
   . if you only have the URL, you might miss some different

   debbie: will try to run, continue talking about this next time.

Received on Thursday, 9 May 2024 20:25:10 UTC