[voiceinteraction] minutes December 18, 2024

and below as text

Note that there won't be a call on January 1, so the next call with be January 15, 2025.


      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                             - DRAFT -
                           Voice Interaction

18 December 2024

   [2]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/2024/12/18-voiceinteraction-irc


          debbie, dirk, girard, kaz





    1. [3]GitHub issues
    2. [4]possible Speech Web workshop

Meeting minutes

  GitHub issues

   issue #41

   looking at OVON Dialog Events specification

   dirk: why not look at EMMA JSON?

   debbie: Dialog Events assume most communication is based on
   natural language
   . maybe we should compare EMMA JSON and Dialog Events
   . we could talk about that on January 15
   . no call January 1

   issue # 44

   dirk: error handling

   review section 4, "Error Handling"

   we decide to close issue #44

   moving on to issue #45

   dirk: still working on this

   #46 is still open

   #48 so far we haven't gotten a reply on this, could ask


   debbie will look at UserML

   for user settings

   dirk: updating interfaces document with changes to architecture
   . still working on this

   this is issue number 51

   dirk: introduce an "example" section

   #52 improve description of GenAI

   agree to close #52

   compatibility of licenses for reference implementation

   kaz: start with Phillipe LeHegaret

   dirk: these are libraries used in our reference implementation

   debbie: or we could say that this is an implementation by a
   member of our group, so not an official W3C implementation

   kaz: similar to the Web of Things situation

  possible Speech Web workshop

   kaz: user-friendly smart agents on the web
   . need to update descriptions, focus on use cases,
   requirements, update with changes to technology

   <kaz> [5]w3c/strategy#221

      [5] https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues/221

   kaz: need to form a Program Committee to work on topics
   . will update the issue on GitHub
   . workshop is expected in 2025
   . user-friendly smart agent would be useful for smart cities
   . web of things

   debbie: can you recommend some people from Web of Things

   <kaz> Michael Koster, Sebastian Kaebisch, Michael McCool, Ege
   Korkan, etc.

   kaz: requirements, use cases and pain points should be

   dirk: should identify some commonalities that tie all these
   audiences together

   kaz: need to find important stakeholders from different

   dirk: has colleague in smart cities domain

   debbie: also smart cars

   debbie: form provisional program committee and have a call
   would be the next step

   kaz: will add comments to GitHub
   . early next year

   kaz: timeline depends on physical meeting or remote
   . only a few months if remote
   . or 6 months if in-person
   . translation and transcription services, everyone needs to
   provide a video
   . people should provide a brief statement, slides and video

   debbie: would be in favor of remote meeting

   debbie: next call is January 15
   . but we don't need a call to start thinking of program
   committee members

   kaz: usually 10 people is a good number for a Program Committee
   . could have different meetings for different time zones

Received on Wednesday, 18 December 2024 16:38:05 UTC