[voiceinteraction} minutes August 28, 2024

Next call is September 11
 and below as text

      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                             - DRAFT -
                           Voice Interaction

28 August 2024

   [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log.

      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-voiceinteraction/2024Aug/0005.html
      [3] https://www.w3.org/2024/08/28-voiceinteraction-irc


          debbie, dirk, gerard





    1. [4]Summary of action items

Meeting minutes

   dirk: need to talk about different types of digital assistants
   and not everything applies to all of them

   gerard: personal assistant in the cloud is problematic

   debbie: we should actually say why personal assistants in the
   cloud are problematic

   debbie: there is the personal assistant that knows about you
   and doesn't represent a company

   dirk: we could point out that it would be good if it were not
   in the cloud

   debbie: enterprise assistant represents, e.g. your bank, your
   school, neighborhood association

   dirk: data is shared between you and the entity in a trust
   . what about something like Siri or Google? Data is shared but
   there's no trust relationship, generic cloud-based assistant

   debbie: public assistant that you use, but don't share data,
   like a smart city assistant

   debbie: embedded personal assistant, like Mycroft

   dirk: it could share data with your bank, so there's a

   debbie: not completely clear-cut

   dirk: state these three types

   debbie: there could be some in-between cases

   debbie: what about IoT devices

   dirk: they would be like public assistants?
   . just authentication

   debbie: it just has to know that you're authorized to turn on
   the lights

   dirk: they might also start collecting patterns about how you
   use them?

   debbie: data could be gathered by the assistant or explicitly
   shared data
   . there's data that the assistant knows about you but you
   don't, for example, your bank balance or your grades
   . or medical

   dirk: there must be a taxonomy of private data types

   debbie: we should look up different types of assistants
   . we should wait to modify documents until we get more
   information about assistant types

   dirk: we should send this question to the mailing list

   ACTION: dirk to send question to the mailing list

   dirk: made changes to one drawing
   . tried to resketch one image

   debbie: in the diagram we have LLMs, that includes both
   foundation models and adapted models

   debbie: we should send some kind of announcement about the
   implementation at some point

   dirk: it can be used as a basis, but needs some tweaking

   (looking at GitHub issues)

   dirk: after 54, 55, and 56 we can go for 0.1

   dirk: how to publish? source code, doxygen
   . should we share binaries?

   debbie: yes, that's pretty common

   dirk: doxygen is like javadoc but not language-specific
   . usually used for C++ code

   debbie: something higher level than doxygen?

   dirk: do we need interfaces document?

   debbie: generate and see what's missing

   dirk: the interfaces document should be updated to be in line
   with the current implementation

   ACTION: dirk to update issues with issues from today's

   ACTION: debbie to check on issue 48 (license)

Summary of action items

    1. [5]dirk to send question to the mailing list
    2. [6]dirk to update issues with issues from today's
    3. [7]debbie to check on issue 48 (license)

Received on Wednesday, 28 August 2024 15:37:13 UTC