[voiceinteraction] CANCELLED Voice Interaction call August 9, 2023

Again, due to various vacations, it doesn't look like we'll have enough participants for tomorrow's call.
Let's reconvene on August 23.
During that call, we can finalize GitHub issues, review Jon's upcoming proposal for Open Voice Network positioning on the W3C Voice
interaction architecture (I think we decided that the overall position was that OVON would endorse but not require the Voice
Interaction architecture, and start talking about coordinating our interfaces work with OVON's dialog events. 
For your reference:
OVON Dialog Events: https://openvoicenetwork.org/docs/interoperable-dialog-event-object-specification-version-1-0/
Voice Interaction Interfaces: https://w3c.github.io/voiceinteraction/voice%20interaction%20drafts/paInterfaces/paInterfaces.htm

Received on Tuesday, 8 August 2023 14:07:44 UTC