[voiceinteraction] Voice Interaction Community Group minutes April 19, 2023

and below as text


      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                             - DRAFT -
                           Voice Interaction

19 April 2023

   [2]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/2023/04/19-voiceinteraction-irc


          bev, debbie, dirk, jim





    1. [3]publication planning for Architecture 1.3 and Interface
    2. [4]possible reference implementation

Meeting minutes

   debbie: fixed duplicate requirements, ready to publish
   . will publish and send a note to the list

   dirk: also publish on Twitter

  publication planning for Architecture 1.3 and Interface

   dirk: need to review Architecture for consistency with
   . can publish interfaces

   dirk: ask community for input about interfaces

   debbie: we should go through that process

  possible reference implementation

   debbie: what language?

   dirk: Java or C++

   debbie: I could help if it was Java, not C++

   debbie: what about non-standard components?

   dirk: should compile a list of components that we could use,
   open source and commercial

   debbie: will look at some candidates
   . also should think about ChatGPT, etc.

   debbie: look at other systems, like BARD

   jim: should get the architecture implemented first

   jim: there are hundreds of ASR components on GitHub

   debbie: maybe we could implement middleware to connect to ASR

   jim: we should just pick something
   . there's a lot we can do before picking systems, let's look at

   dirk: were links updated?

   debbie: yes

   jim: should invite this group to the OVON presentation

   debbie: will send a message to the Voice Interaction group
   inviting them
   . next two weeks
   . architecture, then interfaces

   bev: didn't receive a link to webinars

   debbie: will ask community group to RSVP
   . then will send link

   bev: up for another Webby award on Red Cross lifeguard app
   . possibly could eventually include speech

Received on Wednesday, 19 April 2023 18:55:10 UTC