[voiceinteraction] minutes June 29, 2022

and below as text.


      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                             - DRAFT -
                   Voice Interaction Community Group

29 June 2022

   [2]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/2022/06/29-voiceinteraction-irc


          debbie, dirk, jim, jon





    1. [3]promotion
    2. [4]Voice Workshop
    3. [5]interfaces document
    4. [6]Summary of action items

Meeting minutes


   jon: will make contact with Voice Lunch

  Voice Workshop

   jim: agreed to be on Program Committee

   jon: OVON has potential workshop under consideration

  interfaces document


      [7] https://w3c.github.io/voiceinteraction/voice interaction drafts/paInterfaces/paInterfaces.htm

   dirk: made minor changes
   . found that two paths were running in parallel, one for remove
   and one for local

   debbie: do we want to talk about synchronous and asynchronous

   debbie: maybe add that discussion later?

   dirk: processInput + deliver semantic interpretation is the
   same as deriveSemanticInterpretation

   dirk: input is always analyzed by a local IPA and sometimes by
   a remote IPA
   . maybe internal and external IPA

   debbie: I think that would be better

   dirk: one instance is inherent to this IPA

   jim: participant 1 and participant 2?

   debbie: primary? host?

   dirk: let's take "host" for now

   dirk: separated multi-intent and single intent
   . multi doesn't apply to all systems
   . multi-intents in a single utterance
   . not nbest

   debbie: if single is a special case of multi, do we need
   . multi-intents need some structure
   . also how to represent nbest intents

   dirk: this looks more like a description of nbest
   . just say that we'll deal with multi-intents later
   . the multi-intent will actually be an nbest

   dirk: should this be a release?
   . should we add examples?

   debbie: those would be better as another document

   dirk: could someone check for inconsistencies between
   interfaces and architecture?

   ACTION: debbie to check for inconsistencies

   ACTION: dirk to update link to interfaces

   jon: will look into finding external reviewers

   ACTION: dirk to broadcast review request to list

Summary of action items

    1. [8]debbie to check for inconsistencies
    2. [9]dirk to update link to interfaces
    3. [10]dirk to broadcast review request to list

Received on Wednesday, 29 June 2022 17:12:19 UTC