[voiceinteraction] Voice Interaction Community Group minutes, April 6, 2022

Note that we generated a few actions today, which are summarized at the end of the minutes.


and below as text.

      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                             - DRAFT -
                   Voice Interaction Community Group

06 April 2022

   [2]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/2022/04/06-voiceinteraction-irc


          debbie, jim, jon, ulrike





    1. [3]publicity
    2. [4]Summary of action items

Meeting minutes


   debbie: are we ready to publicize documents

   jon: are we looking for comments or saying that we're ready to

   debbie: looking for comments for sure
   . it's hard to get people interested in comments

   jim: have any commercial enterprises expressed interest?

   debbie: don't think so

   jon: has created speaker's bureau lists for OVON for outreach
   into community
   . could add Voice Interaction people to speakers' bureau
   . would put a document with speakers and bio, we would put
   together an abstract

   debbie: I think that would be great

   jon: north america and western europe

   debbie: we can talk about the vision and technical

   ulrike: could collaborate on SPEAKER platform in the long run
   . would like to support standards, platform focuses on privacy
   . Allinga is the German platform
   . publically funded, don't have requirements yet,
   semi-commercial, small and medium-sized companies
   . would bring it up inside company

   debbie: comment on drafts?


      [5] https://www.allinga.fraunhofer.de/en.html

   jim: we could present it to other people, should have speakers'

   jon: will get that going

   jon: could start with 100-word abstract

   jim: could be part of a group or team

   jon: could have both panels and individuals

   debbie: webinar with people interested in voice agent

   jon: getting infrastructure in place

   jim: organizing -- why will people be interested

   debbie: what is the call to action?

   jon: join the Community Group

   debbie: join OVON

   jon: summarizes OVON
   . 200 active volunteers
   . standards for interoperability and discovery, privacy,
   ethical use of voice

   jim: sign up with Voice Lunch to talk about standards

   jon: will speak at Voice Lunch global
   . Women in Voice

   ulrike: 20-30 people with good discussions

   jim: several different Voice Lunches, 50-60 attendees, don't
   push products

   debbie: present at Voice Lunch

   jon: standards are said to be boring by organizers

   ulrike: a webinar with assistants at one table

   jon: what the standard can accomplish

   jim: just standards are boring beyond belief, we need "how this
   is going to affect you"

   jon: answer what's in it for me?

   debbie: jon has a great slide

   jim: can we use this slide to spark interest

   jon: (reviews slide) shows how we do things in non-linear
   fashion among multiple agents

   jim: could we do an animation?

   ulrike: great topics, easy to grasp, could be presented to
   Voice Lunch to get comments

   debbie: could do simple PowerPoint animation

   jon: also doing a version of this in healthcare setting

   ulrike: people from platforms go to Voice Lunches, would be
   interested in hearing arguments against interoperability

   ACTION: debbie to prepare abstract for speakers' bureau

   ACTION: jon to add us to his speakers' bureau list

   ACTION: jon to animate slides

   ACTION: jon to make contact with Voice Lunch

   ACTION: ulrike to talk to people in her company about

   jon: fine to share slide
   . can be shared to the Voice Interaction Community Group public

   debbie: after Voice Lunch, then decide what to do about webinar

   jim: we should get feedback
   . before organizing a webinar

Summary of action items

    1. [6]debbie to prepare abstract for speakers' bureau
    2. [7]jon to add us to his speakers' bureau list
    3. [8]jon to animate slides
    4. [9]jon to make contact with Voice Lunch
    5. [10]ulrike to talk to people in her company about

Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2022 17:13:19 UTC