- From: Deborah Dahl <Dahl@conversational-Technologies.com>
- Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 14:48:25 -0400
- To: <public-voiceinteraction@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <514001d720de$46172730$d2457590$@conversational-Technologies.com>
https://www.w3.org/2021/03/24-voiceinteraction-minutes.html and below as text. [1]W3C [1] https://www.w3.org/ - DRAFT - Voice Interaction Community Group 24 March 2021 [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log. [2] <https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-voiceinteraction/2021Mar/0005.h tml> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-voiceinteraction/2021Mar/0005.ht ml [3] <https://www.w3.org/2021/03/24-voiceinteraction-irc> https://www.w3.org/2021/03/24-voiceinteraction-irc Attendees Present debbie, dirk, jim, jon Regrets - Chair debbie Scribe ddahl Contents 1. [4]dirk's walkthrough updates 2. [5]output side of walkthrough 3. [6]Summary of action items Meeting minutes dirk's walkthrough updates [7]https://w3c.github.io/voiceinteraction/ voice%20interaction%20drafts/paArchitecture-1-1.htm#walkthrough [7] https://w3c.github.io/voiceinteraction/voice interaction drafts/paArchitecture-1-1.htm#walkthrough dirk: does walkthrough match description? . this is just the subset that matches part of the text Action: debbie to update text description in Section 4 dirk: reviews Figure 3 dirk: combination of local stuff and remote . knowledge graph can be used to find location given GPS dirk: ASR is sent in parallel to both NLU's (local and remote) (step 6) jim: what information is given to provider registry? . how does the provider registry work? dirk: doesn't know anything about utterance semantics . it just tries to determine the number of registered IPA providers . it can use context . or user preferences jim: what do input and output from provider registry look like? dirk: provider selection service gets the ASR result debbie: what information is in step 9 dirk: it's always the same, just a query for all providers . the provider registry could be more or less smart jim: after provider selection service gets an ASR result it queries the Provider Registry for all providers debbie: what about steps 10 and 11? dirk: for each provider returned from the registry, authentication information is returned jim: suggest sending NLU to provider selection service instead of ASR result dirk: or could just send the raw audio jim: now the Provider Registry sends all the providers, if we use NLU we could be more selective about what providers we return dirk: this is the provider selection strategy dirk: this is the minimum and the overall system could be smarter dirk: then arrow 6 could be after the NLU dirk: providers could use their own NLU jim: what's the difference between the orange (Dialog) NLU and the specific NLU's in the IPA providers jon: what if IPA provider 1 is American, then it could have full complement of components and functionality. . we now have text coming from the Dialog box dirk: could come up with different walkthroughs describing different alternatives jim: is one of the goals to enable IPA providers to support any input . are the inputs in step 13 in a standardized format dirk: 1 -- raw audio, raw ASR or NLU jim: suggest restricting to one alternative debbie: I agree debbie: maybe rule out NLU as a format dirk: raw audio would be the most common . or text from a chatbot or ASR jim: future enhancement would be to standardize NLU, but not covered yet jim: what is the purpose of the NLU in the Dialog box? dirk: that's the local NLU that processes some of the queries Action: dirk to change arrows to reflect the primary use case output side of walkthrough dirk: arrow 1 is the various NLU results dirk: asks dialog registry for the best dialog dirk: may need to query for missing slots . gets next dialog move . NLG comes up with text, doesn't repeat information that's already known to the user jim: we have a distributed semantic processing, some done in orange and some in blue dirk: yes jim: this might be too confusing dirk: there are some implementations but not standarized debbie: how do you find the Dialog that goes with the NLU . if the intent is "book flight" then there could be lots of dialog that could handle that intent . how do you associate that intent with the appropriate dialog . so actually intents and entities come back . and that's mapped to dialogs dirk: that's correct debbie: when do you actually get your information from the database dirk: we haven't gotten to that yet, I could add that dirk: things need to be clearer Action: debbie to pull together list of outstanding comments dirk: also collected some suggestions from a presentation . what should we do to prove that we did what you describe jim: eventually there will be conformance tests Summary of action items 1. [8]debbie to update text description in Section 4 2. [9]dirk to change arrows to reflect the primary use case 3. [10]debbie to pull together list of outstanding comments Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by [11]scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC). [11] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html
Received on Wednesday, 24 March 2021 18:48:43 UTC