[voiceinteraction] minutes June 2, 2021

and below as text.


      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                             - DRAFT -
                           Voice Interaction

02 June 2021

   [2]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/2021/06/02-voiceinteraction-irc


          debbie, dirk, jon





    1. [3]announcing publication
    2. [4]issues from May 5 call
    3. [5]github issues

Meeting minutes

  announcing publication

   dirk: has one must-have issue, number 20

   dirk: can do this before the next meeting

   debbie: the next meeting overlaps with the OVN workshop
   . so we should cancel the next meeting

   jon: this is an invited workshop for 30-40 participants

   dirk: will try to make change by two weeks and send
   notification to email list

   debbie: can issue CfC after Dirk's change

   jon: would be great to announce at workshop

   dirk: should acknowlege jon

   debbie: also Jim

   debbie: publicity should include discussion at the OVN workshop

   dirk: can mention during his presentation

   debbie: the W3C has a blog, we could write a post

   jon: the OVN could include a url in its newsletter
   . also LinkedIn and Twitter

   dirk: Voice Lunch?

   jon: yes, also Voice First, would be glad to put something
   together in newsletter or Voice First event

   debbie: Women in Voice Slack channel

  issues from May 5 call

   dirk: we don't need a glossary

  github issues

   looking at issue 3

   issue #5 should be postponed

   dirk: we could retitle issue

   issue 6, definition of "session"

   close #10, dirk just changed

   dirk will finish #23 and #20 before the workshop

   debbie: next call is concelled, resume on June 30

Received on Thursday, 3 June 2021 13:03:03 UTC