[voiceinteraction] minutes February 10, 2021


and below as text


      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                             - DRAFT -
                           Voice Interaction

10 February 2021

   [2]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/2021/02/10-voiceinteraction-irc


          debbie, dirk





    1. [3]Summary of action items

Meeting minutes

   dirk: had some "todos" from the last discussion, still working,
   added History and Knowledge Graphs
   . would be part of the context

   debbie: what we have in history might be enough
   . might need more clarification about the knowledge graph
   . clarify what's meant by "navigation"
   . these can all be black boxes

   dirk: need description for NLG
   . TTS may be related to context

   debbie: for example when you can use anaphora in the NLG output

   dirk: some TBD's in the Data Provider Services
   . need example of external services, like making a reservation
   . need to adapt walkthrough to new architecture

   Action: debbie to add in TBD's

   Action: Dirk to update Section 4.1

   dirk: need to add arrows in output figure

   debbie: on the 24th we can review my actions
   . dirk to finish updates by March 10
   . talk about publishing on March 10

   dirk: also need to look at the interfaces document

   debbie: also need to look at the JSON semantic representation
   . document

Summary of action items

    1. [4]debbie to add in TBD's
    2. [5]Dirk to update Section 4.1

Received on Wednesday, 10 February 2021 16:44:24 UTC