[voice-interaction] minutes June 3, 2020


and below as text




      [1] http://www.w3.org/


                               - DRAFT -




03 Jun 2020





          dirk, debbie, bev












     * [2]Topics

         1. [3]Open Voice Network

         2. [4]interfaces document

     * [5]Summary of Action Items

     * [6]Summary of Resolutions



   <scribe> scribe: debbie


Open Voice Network


   dirk: dirk and debbie invited to join OVN call

   ... we can start with Debbie's slide deck


   debbie: it's in the voice interaction email archive







   debbie: will send PowerPoint version


   bev: thought it was interesting, didn't dig into it

   ... the concept seemed interesting


   debbie: need to find out more about what they're doing

   ... w3c is pretty flexible

   ... formal agreements need to go through legal


interfaces document


   debbie: last time we talked about moving forward on interfaces


   dirk: added some words to introduction, purpose of document

   ... modeled in UML

   ... source document is




      [8] https://github.com/w3c/voiceinteraction/blob/master/voice
interaction drafts/pa-architecture.EAP


   debbie: was supposed to link up interfaces to related

   standards, didn't do that but I will


   dirk: are interfaces complete or is something missing


   debbie: can check that

   ... will look at Web of Things registry to see if we can use

   that kind of format

   ... is "dialog registry" more of a "service registry"?


   dirk: could add dialog to capabilities of IPA

   ... dialog registry would know about all dialogs that can

   handle e.g. weather forecasts

   ... the other part is provider selection service


   debbie: like the National Weather Service in the US


   dirk: how to add complete IPA providers, e.g. Alexa


   Debbie: is Alexa an example of the IPA Service?


   dirk: need to think about relationship between existing IPA

   platforms and this architecture


   bev: where does authentication take place?


   debbie: maybe there needs to be more than one point


   dirk: you might need authentication to access the IPA service


   ... you would need to authenticate access to the IPA as well as

   to the data


   debbie: usually on the web you have to authenticate yourself

   when you first access the service


   bev: should we include bridges as well as API's?

  ... here's an example


   ... bridges are used more with scientific data


      [9] https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2792745.2792775


   debbie: it does sound like something we should include


   bev: another one [10]https://www.psc.edu/bvt/

   ... bridges are used more for complex data

   ... API's are more for business data


     [10] https://www.psc.edu/bvt/


   dirk: an example would be helpful


   bev: could help with use case for weather

   ... would start with bullet points

   ... users tend to be scientists

   ... or other professionals


   debbie: users could be professionals/scientists as well as

   ordinary users


   dirk: add authentication to IPA


   debbie: finish up use cases


   bev: outline weather use case




     [11] https://sciencegateways.org/resources/catalog


   debbie: could report back on OVN call


Summary of Action Items


Summary of Resolutions


   [End of minutes]



Received on Wednesday, 3 June 2020 17:03:34 UTC