[voiceinteraction] minutes July 15, 2020


and below as text.

      [1] http://www.w3.org/
                               - DRAFT -
                           Voice Interaction
15 Jul 2020
          debbie, dirk, jon
          felix, wyss
     * [2]Topics
     * [3]Summary of Action Items
     * [4]Summary of Resolutions
   <scribe> Scribe: ddahl
   <scribe> agenda: by brainstorming about what information would
   be needed for a voice assistant to identify another specialized
   voice assistant (for example, an assistant for a specific
   enterprise) and give the user access to it.
   debbie: jim suggested that the DNS model could be used for the
   dialog registry
   ... there is DNS and RDAP (replacement for whois)
   dirk: the task is to map intent to provider
   ... service that provides to known ipa providers and maps
   intents to other layers
   ... needs unique identification and intents
   debbie: should there be a domain?
   dirk: you could group intents in a domain
   ... domain could be "retail electronics"
   ... utterance could be "I'm looking for a new laptop"
   ... you would need to know the intent to find the domain
   ... travel would be another domain
   debbie: IPA might have to disambiguate the domain
   dirk: there might need to be an ontology -- travel could be
   train travel or flight travel
   debbie: we shouldn't develop an ontology
   dirk: implementer could specify ontology
   debbie: we could recommend OWL as a format
   ... maybe Provider Selection Service is a black box
   dirk: PSS is stateless, but dialog identifier could be used to
   debbie: there should be a way to state what languages they
   dirk: how do you know what language in the first place
   ... do you have to identify the language
   jon: that might be part of the user identification
   ... also primary geography could be part of this
   dirk: this means we provide language and location as metadata
   jon: could use some existing ontologies
   ... US Dept. of Commerce list of business types
   debbie: we could recommend consulting these resources
   ... the name of the IPA provider could be some kind of metadata
   ... like "Dell Computer"
   jon: GS1 -- GTIN (Global Trade Identification Number)
   ... there are ontologies for smart home
   debbie: there is an Asian consortium for smart home devices
   ... how do you get to it?
   dirk: access by url and need for authorization and permissions
   debbie: we have an extra level -- we have to start with an
   intent and map it to an actual IPA
   dirk: we should have a provider registry in the diagram
   ... this should go next to the provider selection service
   debbie: Jim said that the wake word should be part of the
   metadata, although that won't necessarily be required
   ... once your IPA knows that it needs, say the Dell assistant,
   how does it get to that?
   ... there could be a lot of complexity there, maybe HTTP isn't
   the best protocol
   ... because of the need to transmit speech
   ... also need to consider multimodal IPA's
   ... we don't want to rule those out.
   ... we should at least make sure there's a way to connect with
   enterprise agents
   jon: this would be independent of a Google or Amazon
   ... or you could enter the world of Amazon or Google
   ... you could reach the broker that would send you in the right
   ... can Amazon send you to Best Buy or Dell?
   ... would not want to share data from Amazon to Best Buy
   debbie: can your IPA go to non-IPA website?
   jon: you probably want to be able to do that
   ... how does my individual IPA connect to another person's IPA?
   ... either individual --> enterprise or individual -->
   ... IPA's should be able to have a blacklist and whitelist
   ... also need to be able to have protection againt DoS attacks
Summary of Action Items
Summary of Resolutions
   [End of minutes]

Received on Wednesday, 15 July 2020 18:20:46 UTC