[voiceinteraction] call minutes April 23, 2020


and below as text



      [1] http://www.w3.org/


                               - DRAFT -


                           voice interaction


23 Apr 2020





          dirk, debbie












     * [2]Topics

         1. [3]doodle poll

         2. [4]publishing the PA architecture draft

         3. [5]interfaces document

     * [6]Summary of Action Items

     * [7]Summary of Resolutions



   <scribe> scribe: ddahl


   Preliminary agenda - New date (evaluation of the doodle

   [8]https://doodle.com/poll/fvqpuy7rr6mux7nr) - Publishing PA

   Architecture Draft


   0drafts/paArchitecture.htm - Review of follow-up document for



   20drafts/paInterfaces.htm - Definition of focus area in the

   interfaces document Drop me a note - if you want something to

   be di[CUT]


      [8] https://doodle.com/poll/fvqpuy7rr6mux7nr)

      [9] https://w3c.github.io/voiceinteraction/voice interaction

     [10] https://w3c.github.io/voiceinteraction/voice interaction


doodle poll


   dirk: best time is 5-6 GMT+2

   ... wednesday

   ... second best would be Friday at the same time

   ... will reschedule the invite


publishing the PA architecture draft


   debbie: the publication is at



   ... can tell people about it more widely now

   ... post an article on LinkedIn


     [11] https://w3c.github.io/voiceinteraction/voice interaction


   dirk: will post an article tomorrow


   debbie: we can also tweet about it


   dirk: ask community to publish in their social media

   ... announce on public list


interfaces document


   dirk: name interfaces and show their purposes


   debbie: then priorities will be clearer


   dirk: provider selection service would be one priority


   debbie: we could do some kind of gap analysis

   ... for example, we might find a registry format


   dirk: also should look at related standards in the architecture



   debbie: we should focus on the highest priorities

   ... next time look at related standards and interfaces


   <scribe> ACTION: dirk to name and describe interfaces


   <scribe> ACTION: debbie to review table of related standards

   and map to interfaces


   <scribe> ACTION: propose other possible related standards, for

   example Web of Things registry


   debbie: will review action management process

   ... and close the ones that are finished


   <scribe> ACTION: debbie to test action closing


   dirk: should reference previous document


   debbie: add abstract


   dirk: could make underlying UML model and editing tool

   publically available


   debbie: we should try to promote Dirk's Q&A in Speech

   Technology Bulletin


   dirk: the next call will be the 6th of May

   ... will send an invite out soon and send agenda earlier

   ... will try to send the agenda on Sunday or Monday


Summary of Action Items


   [NEW] ACTION: debbie to review table of related standards and

   map to interfaces

   [NEW] ACTION: debbie to test action closing

   [NEW] ACTION: dirk to name and describe interfaces

   [NEW] ACTION: propose other possible related standards, for

   example Web of Things registry


Summary of Resolutions


   [End of minutes]


Received on Thursday, 23 April 2020 15:01:39 UTC