Re: [voice interaction CG] minutes from TPAC discussion on voice assistants

Thanks for posting this, Debbie.

Yes, roughly 20 people gathered for this lively session that began with
a short introductory set of slides [1], including a video from MIT's
Auto-Id lab concerning the proposed Open Voice Network [2]. After
further introductory remarks, highlighting a variety of use cases and
interests, there was an active discussion. The session was attended by
staff from both Microsoft and Google who were close to, but not directly
involved in, work on Cortana and Google Home.

The conclusions were:

1. It seems likely that there would be sufficient interest in extending
SSML, version 1.1 of which became a Rec in 2010 [3].

2. It further seems likely that there would be interest in defining
additional hooks for Web pages to aid voice-driven navigation - things
like 'add to basket' or other such common functions. These would almost
certainly be defined as terms.

3. The voice assistant platforms include a lot of proprietary
technologies that are very unlikely to be standardised.

4. There was good agreement around the room that a W3C workshop would be
well worth exploring. There were several offers to host such an event.

Lots of possibilities for the future here - let's see how things go.






On 19/09/2019 18:02, Deborah Dahl wrote:
> This group should be interested in these minutes from a discussion at the W3C
> Technical Plenary about standards for voice assistants.
> It seems that a lot of people
> are starting to realize the potential for standards in this area.
> Here are some slides that were presented.
> best regards,
> Debbie

Phil Archer
Director, Web Solutions, GS1
+44 (0)7887 767755
Skype: philarcher
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Received on Saturday, 21 September 2019 04:22:15 UTC