IPA Standardization Call - 2019-12-10

- Bev Corwin
- Brian Susko
- Deborah Dahl
- Dirk Schnelle-Walka

general questions to the architecture
- core dialog
  - provides interaction capabilities also if no dialogs are known
- dialog registry
  - sort of a market place
  - multiple providers may implement the ame intents
  - Provider selection service would be in charge to selct the right one
    - also consider what was previously selected
Dialog context
- who is in charge to resolve "it"?
  - candidates are dialog manager or NLU of the IPA providers
  - Dirk to add a "contextual knowledge" component to the figure
  - context of the conversation must be kept outside the IPA Providers
    - will work as long as the dialog is using a single providers
    - unlikely to get this standardized
 - is this covered in the current EMMA standard?

Dirk is planning to present the concpet draft at SpeechTek 2020

standardization possibilities
- Interface between Provider Selection Service and IPA Providers
  - use EMMA JSON or any other flavor of it for input
  - extensions might be needed on the input for the IPA Providers
    - to return values or take actions
 - do text first and other things later?
  - Brian to extend the architecture for the interfaces
  - Dirk to share the Visio in GitHub
- all other boxes might be subject to standardization, except IPA Providers
  - specifically diaglog registry
- authentication
  - possible standards exist
  - not trying to reinvent the wheel
Hooks to IoT
- scritpting standard exist
- Debbie will look into this

Next meeting 16.01.

Received on Thursday, 19 December 2019 15:46:33 UTC