- From: Amanda Vizedom <amanda.vizedom@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015 13:43:25 -0400
- To: semanticweb@yahoogroups.com, protege-user@mailman.stanford.edu, uai@engr.orst.edu, Gregory Piatetsky <editor1@kdnuggets.com>, "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@ontolog.cim3.net>, ontolog-forum <ontolog-forum@googlegroups.com>, "public-vocabs@w3.org" <public-vocabs@w3.org>, "semantic-web@w3.org" <semantic-web@w3.org>, iaoa-member@ovgu.de
[Apologies for duplication due to cross-posting] ********************************************************************** Tenth International Conference on Semantic Technologies for Intelligence, Defense, and Security - STIDS 2015 George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA November 18-20, 2015 http://stids.c4i.gmu.edu Special Theme: Semantics in Cyber-Physical Systems ********************************************************************* *** Poster proposals invited *** Poster proposals are being accepted for the combined poster/social session at STIDS 2015. This session will be the last scheduled event of the first day of the conference: Thursday, November 19, 2015. Members of the STIDS community are invited to submit posters presenting relevant work. To submit a poster, send a 1-2 paragraph description by email to stids2015@c4i.gmu.edu. Poster submissions will be accepted and reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis through November 11, 2015 or until space is filled. Earlier submission is encouraged, as space is limited. *** Reminder: Early Bird registration ends Friday, October 30 *** Early Bird Registration is Open for STIDS 2015. Early Bird Registration fees are discounted by more than 20%. After October 30, 2015, regular fees will apply. For details, go to http://stids.c4i.gmu.edu/registration2015.php. Register today! *** About the Conference *** STIDS is a premier opportunity for collaboration and cross-fertilization between researchers and practitioners of semantic-based technology with particular experience in the problems facing the Intelligence, Defense, and Security communities. Each year a conference theme is selected for special attention, especially in selection of Keynote Speakers. STIDS 2015 will offer presentations of original, peer-reviewed research, as well as invited talks from prominent semantic technology researchers and recognized leaders from the target application domains. This year’s theme is Semantics in Cyber-Physical Systems. The main Conference will take place on November 19–20, preceded by a Tutorials day on Wednesday, November 18. The Conference and Tutorials venue is Dewberry Hall, in the Johnson Center, at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. A classified session will be held on November 17, at a venue to be announced, for those with TS/SCI clearances. More information about the STIDS conference, schedule, venue, and registration can be found at http://stids.c4i.gmu.edu/index.php. We look forward to seeing you in Fairfax! - The STIDS 2015 Organizing Committee General Chairs: Paulo Costa, George Mason University Alessandro Oltramari, Carnegie Mellon University Technical Chairs: Ian Emmons, Raytheon BBN Technologies Kathryn Laskey, George Mason University Publicity Chair: Amanda Vizedom, Criticollab Tutorials Chair: Mary Parmelee, Mitre
Received on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 17:44:13 UTC