I was more thinking of the case where I am looking for a contractor,
plumber, or the like and need to know if they serve my community.
For that use case, I created github issue #401.
- Vicki
Vicki Tardif Holland | Ontologist | vtardif@google.com
On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 7:39 AM, Thad Guidry <thadguidry@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi David,
> Perhaps your question is more concerned around Invoicing and the mention
> of where the work was performed ? Also known as a Job Site , or Work Site ?
> That would probaby be the customer address. That is available on the
> http://schema.org/Invoice Type with an expected type of Organization or
> Person which both have use of an address property.
> You also might want to look at using perhaps an area that is served,
> depending on your needs - https://schema.org/serviceArea
> Additionally, we have availableAtOrFrom property which is on the
> http://schema.org/Offer Type.
> Let us know if those do not serve your needs well.
> Thad
> +ThadGuidry <https://www.google.com/+ThadGuidry>