Re: Circa. dates

On Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 10:36 AM, Young,Jeff (OR) <> wrote:

>  One option would be to use schema:Role to split schema:circa in two
> halves and then use schema:roleName to assign the specific property that is
> being fudged. It's just another example of what Role is for.

Given that is defined as "A role played,
performed or filled by a person or organization.", that seems like a
stretch for Role.

>From the perspective of markup mechanics (simplicity being one of the
primary reasons for in the first place), asking webmasters to
reify date properties via Role for the sake of saying "around 1850" seems
much more extreme than just adopting the proposed extension to ISO8601.
Reifying the property would also make the use of the otherwise standard
<time datetime=""> construct confusing.


Received on Tuesday, 3 March 2015 14:58:12 UTC