Re: Wednesday morning for BOF? [was Re: The Vocabulary, governance, etc.]

I don't see anything about this meeting on the TPAC page for proposals for 
this session.  Is this part of the process just being skipped?

As well, will an agenda be prepared for this session?  There are a number of 
things on the boundary between W3c and that I think should be 
discussed.  Some of these might be relevant to this session, but others might 
not.   An agenda might help preventing the session from going off into things 
that are not relevant to the purpose of the meeting.


On 09/29/2014 07:30 AM, Harry Halpin wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 09/29/2014 04:15 PM, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ wrote:
>> On 09/24/2014 02:20 PM, Harry Halpin wrote:
>>> Everyone,
>>> The W3C is happy to use one of the rooms during its "BOF"
>>> sessions on Wednesday morning for a meeting around,
>>> Actions, and the Social WG.
>>> The meeting would be open to *everyone* at TPAC, not just Social
>>> WG members and those from
>>> I hope this works for everyone!
>>> The schedule is here:
>>> A room will be reserved with this pre-set topic for 9:15 AM. We
>>> can then continue as needed. Does this work for everyone?
>> Can I participate remotely?
> We'll do our best for remote participation. IRC is definitely always
> running and we'll have a scribe, audio can be trickier depending o the
> venue's set-up but I'll know a few days a head of time when I get to
> the venue for TPAC.
>> Thank you Harry for arranging this possibility to meet f2f and
>> clarify all the possibilities for further collaboration!
> Hope it works for the folks! Does it?

Received on Monday, 29 September 2014 15:16:51 UTC