- From: ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ <perpetual-tripper@wwelves.org>
- Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 12:22:27 +0200
- To: paoladimaio10@googlemail.com, Renato Iannella <ri@semanticidentity.com>
- CC: Dan Brickley <danbri@google.com>, Peter Mika <pmika@yahoo-inc.com>, Guha <guha@google.com>, W3C Vocabularies <public-vocabs@w3.org>
On 09/24/2014 08:15 AM, Paola Di Maio wrote: > Business decisions however are not made by the Dans, the Guhas and the > Peters in this world but by corporations they work for - > ( a lot of these open and participatory initiatives are just window > dressing giving the illusion of democracy and change, while decisions > are made > under the radar by the few anyway) I feel curious to hear some *possible future scenarios* with strong examples of decisions which broad community building on top of this work could find problematic. I don't say here that I agree or disagree with anyone statements, just clear examples often help me, and I believe many other people, with developing our opinion. Thanks in advance!
Received on Wednesday, 24 September 2014 10:24:44 UTC