schema:Bookmark ?


I try to help friends who work on open source project - - with creating proper JSON-LD contexts for
various data it stores, preferably using vocabulary whenever
I can. One of @unhosted apps using remoteStorage simply stores bookmarks. has but I don't see anything
to use as schema:result. I would see schema:Bookmark as sub type of
schema:CreativeWork similar as schema:WebPage itself.

On first thought I would use
schema:Bookmark --[schema:about]--> schema:WebPage

It all gets more interesting when as reader I want to mark page as
read/unread (existing feature in remoteStorage bookmarks module)

  "@type": "WebPage",
  "potentialAction": {
    "@type": "ReadAction"

Once I perform this action I would like to somehow reference this fact
from my bookmark... I see it also related to my previous email *result
of an Action, how to relate those two resources?*

I might even want to time how much time it took me to read particular
article. Maybe to capture it I could just store my Action somehow

  "@type": "ReadAction",
  "actionStatus": "CompletedActionStatus",
  "startTime": "2017-01-04T10:30:00+01:00",
  "endTime": "2017-01-04T10:34:15+01:00"

Okie dokie, I better stop here since my mind starts drifting into *named
graphs* :D

Happy bookmarking!!!

Received on Saturday, 13 September 2014 16:47:37 UTC