On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Peter Mika <pmika@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
> -- We should turn itemListOrder into an Enum of fixed values (ascending,
> descending, unordered).
Sounds good to me.
> -- itemListElement currently has the range Thing or ListItem or Text,
> which is triple redundant ;) First, we always accept Text instead of Thing,
> and ListItem is a type of Thing. So the range is essentially Thing?
Yes. We were looking for a way to signal that there is a new class
ListItem, which allows authors to express more than the item. Perhaps this
is a suggestion we need better documentation.
> -- previousItem/nextItem has range ListItem. How do I capture the end of
> list? Is there a distinguished NULL value?
I was imagining it working like a linked list. If a ListItem has no
nextItem, it is the end of the list.
- Vicki
Vicki Tardif Holland | Ontologist | vtardif@google.com