Re: property proposal: socialAccount

On 04/06/2014 07:34 PM, Dan Brickley wrote:
> Excerpting from
> "Add a new property, 'socialAccount':
> Comment: "Indicates a corresponding profile page for an account on a
> socially-oriented Web site."
> Used on types: ContactPoint, Person, MusicGroup, Organization, ServiceChannel
> Expected types: URL, WebPage (i.e. a plain link or an inline
> description are both OK)"
> Example:
> <div itemscope itemtype="">
> <span itemprop="name">Stephen Fry</span>
>      (<a itemprop="url" href=""></a>,
>       <a itemprop="socialAccount"
> href="">twitter</a>,
> <a itemprop="sameAs"
> href="">wikipedia</a>)
> </div>
> This is roughly the same as one way of using foaf:account
> (
> We don't try to define exactly which kinds of sites it's used for as
> 'social network' etc are family resemblance concepts, but a common
> anticipated use is sketched in this example.
Currently I use contactPoint to describe my social accounts [1]
Yesterday I tried enabling IndieAuth [2] which uses rel="me", adding it
broke my graph in RDFa [3]

Could we possibly reuse rel="me" for social accounts in a way working
fine with RDFa? I also contactPoint makes a lot of sense for me when it
comes to email, jabber, twitter, facebook etc.


Received on Wednesday, 1 October 2014 09:55:37 UTC