Re: Roles design

On 26 March 2014 20:59, Jarno van Driel <> wrote:
> Well if @id has the same role as 'itemref' then could there also please be
> some info explaining how that works, because to be honest, I sort of
> understand the proposal but am confused about @id/itemid. e.g. to me it
> seems @id functions the same way as @resource does in RDFa, or at least
> that's how I read it.

The following are all similar in RDF-based languages - they identify
the entities being described:

RDF/XML: about= (for subjects, i.e. the thing that has the property),
resource= (for objects, i.e. a thing that is a value of some property)
RDFa 1.0: about= (for subjects), resource= (for objects),
RDFa 1.1: about= (for subjects), resource= (for objects),
RDFa 1.1 Lite ... doesn't make this distinction; resource= works for
either .
JSON-LD: @id
Microdata: itemid=

Most of these also have a way of using less-than-global local
identifiers too, as a way of joining up a graph structure from
different trees of markup. Microdata's itemref can also sometimes be
used for that purpose but as already discussed it is a different kind
of mechanism.

> Wouldn't the Person linking back to the AmericanFootballRole create an infinite loop?

This is no more problematic than someone being their mother's son.
These languages are all oriented towards describing relationships; it
is natural that sometimes there will be loops.


Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2014 21:23:10 UTC