CfP: 8th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2015) at WWW2015 in Florence, Italy

Hi all,


Sören Auer, Tom Heath, Tim Berners-Lee, and I are organizing the 8th edition
of the Linked Data on the Web workshop at WWW2015 in Florence, Italy. The
paper submission deadline for the workshop is  March 15th, 2015 . Please
find the call for papers below.


We are looking forward to having another exciting LDOW workshop and to
seeing many of you in Florence.




Chris, Sören, Tom, Tim




*** Call for Papers *** 


8th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2015)


Co-located with 24nd International World Wide Web Conference

18-22 May 2015, Florence, Italy


The Web is continuing to develop from a medium for publishing textual
documents into a medium for sharing structured data. In 2014, the Web of
Linked Data grew to a size of about 1000 datasets with contributions coming
from companies, governments and other public sector bodies such as
libraries, statistical bodies or research institutions. In parallel, the initiative has found increasing adoption with large numbers of
websites semantically marking up the content of their HTML pages.


The 8th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2015) aims to stimulate
discussion and further research into the challenges of publishing,
consuming, and integrating structured data from the Web as well as mining
knowledge from the global Web of Data. In addition to its traditional focus
on open web data, the special focus of this year’s LDOW workshop will be the
application of Linked Data technologies in enterprise settings as well as
the potentials of interlinking closed enterprise data with open data from
the Web.



*Important Dates*


* Submission deadline:  15 March, 2015 

* Notification of acceptance:  6 April,, 2015

* Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: 20 April, 2015

* Workshop date: 19 May, 2015



*Topics of Interest*


Topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to, the


Linked Enterprise Data

* role of Linked Data within enterprise applications (e.g. ERP, SCM, CRM)

* integration of SOA and Linked Data approaches in joint frameworks

* authentication, security and access control approaches for Linked
Enterprise Data

* use cases combining closed enterprise data with open data from the Web


Mining the Web of Data

* large-scale approaches to deriving implicit knowledge from the Web of Data

* using the Web of Data as background knowledge for data mining


Integrating Data from Large Numbers of Web Data Sources

* crawling, caching and querying Web data

* identity resolution, linking algorithms and heuristics

* schema matching and clustering

* data fusion

* evaluation of linking, schema matching and data fusion methods

Quality Assessment, Provenance Tracking and Licensing 

* evaluating quality and trustworthiness of Web data

* tracking provenance and usage of Web data

* licensing issues in Web data publishing and integration

* profiling and change tracking of Web data sources


Linked Data Applications 

* application showcases including browsers and search engines

* marketplaces, aggregators and indexes for Web data

* Linked Data applications for life-sciences, digital humanities, social
sciences etc.

* business models for Linked Data publishing and consumption





We seek two kinds of submissions:


1. Full scientific papers: up to 10 pages in ACM format

2. Short scientific and position papers: up to 5 pages in ACM format


Submissions must be formatted using the ACM SIG template available at Accepted papers
will be presented at the workshop and included in the CEUR workshop



*Organizing Committee*


Christian Bizer, University of Mannheim, Germany

Tom Heath, Open Data Institute, UK

Sören Auer, University of Bonn and Fraunhofer IAIS, Germany

Tim Berners-Lee, W3C/MIT, USA




Prof. Dr. Christian Bizer

Data and Web Science Group

University of Mannheim, Germany


Received on Tuesday, 2 December 2014 16:07:57 UTC