Hey Dan,
My main concerns about mixing VisualArtwork with PeriodicalSeries. (So I
was suggesting yet another type...but...)
In Freebase, we would probably throw a Incompatible Type Error when one is
asserted against the other.
In Schema.org, we do not have that luxury, and have hints and definitions
to help developers make the right assertions during Multi-Typing.
I agree that there are some "Artwork" attributes that need to be available
to developers when dealing with ComicIssue.
I disagree that there are some "VisualArtwork" attributes (as currently
proposed) when dealing with ComicIssue.
There is the distinction and fine line that I am drawing, but perhaps
others do not share my distinction and have no worries.
I would like to see VisualArtwork reserved to help me cut through the weeds
later on against other Types. (hence my concern with someone Multi-Typing
those two if we do not have some warning or good definition boundaries set)
On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Dan Scott <dan@coffeecode.net> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 12:41:51PM -0500, Thad Guidry wrote:
>> My opinion is that many things are "Collectable" as artwork, i.e., "they
>> are appreciated as having artistic value to the owner/seller."
> Well, yes, pretty much everything could be considered collectable. I
> don't think that's the core set of attributes to worry about with
> comics.
+ThadGuidry <https://www.google.com/+ThadGuidry>
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