Learning Schema.org (former: Inverse Properties in Microdata:, was Re: schema.org update, v1.8: added WebSite type; broadened isPartOf to relate CreativeWorks)

>     "So, help in the form of writing simple tutorials and blog posts
>     etc. would be much appreciated"
> I totally agree with you on this one, although many here already do
> this. But I think it would help even more if the W3C could handle this
> on w3schools.com <http://w3schools.com> as well as the sponsors
> (together) on schema.org <http://schema.org> as well as on their own
> sites. Together these can reach a far greater audience than we as
> individuals ever can. 
"The site derives its name from the abbreviation for the World Wide Web;
W3 is a numeronym of WWW. W3Schools is not affiliated with the W3C."

long time ago i wanted to create Sementic Web learning group on P2PU but
of course haven't secure enough of my time to work on it :(

if someone would like to share effort of producing quality learning
materials around schema.org, i can't commit to take leadership on it but
would happily contribute!

BTW Manu Sporny produced some IMO great videos:

 * What is Linked Data?  http://youtu.be/4x_xzT5eF5Q
 * What is JSON-LD? http://youtu.be/vioCbTo3C-4
 * Intro to the Semantic Web http://youtu.be/OGg8A2zfWKg (old)
 * RDFa Basics http://youtu.be/ldl0m-5zLz4 (old)

Few more possible collaborators we could try:

* http://linkedup-project.eu/
* http://www.euclid-project.eu/

Received on Tuesday, 5 August 2014 13:01:03 UTC