Re: Socialnetworks of a person or organization

Use "account" and then smile.  Besides... your actually saying "account"
when you describe it as what you said "unambiguously indicates the item's

"unambiguously indicates the item's identity." = "account"

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 10:46 AM, Dan Brickley <> wrote:

> On 9 April 2014 16:24, Jason Douglas <> wrote:
> > -1  There's a difference between reference pages *about* the same entity
> and pages authored/controlled *by* the same entity.
> Is it a difference we want to fully capture here? I also control my
> homepage and various other pages that are not my socialAccount. But
> I've just heard another problem which I think also counts against this
> proposal: some entities (e.g. news organizations) have dozens of e.g.
> Twitter accounts ('sports news', 'music' etc). While it might be
> reasonable to point to them all with e.g. socialAccount, it might be
> that the best reference page for the entity is something like
> --- and they'll all end up smushed
> together in a confusing way.
> So given Jason's point and this observation I'll back off from the
> proposal. So much for thinking-out-loud.
> Maybe the core concept is 'account', which suggests an account holder
> and a service provider, and hints at the ability to show (openid
> connect etc.) that you're the account holder. Dropping the word
> 'social' (which was discussed here a while back) does remove some of
> the fuzzyness.
> <div itemscope itemtype="">
> <span itemprop="name">Stephen Fry</span>
>     (<a itemprop="url" href="">
> </a>,
>      <a itemprop="account" href="
> ">twitter</a>,
>      <a itemprop="sameAs"
> href="">wikipedia</a>)
> </div>
>  ?
> Dan

+ThadGuidry <>
Thad on LinkedIn <>

Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2014 15:51:11 UTC