Re: Why is the video property bound to creative work?

In Freebase, we found it useful to have properties for expressing an
"about" through the use of "Subject of" and "Subjects"...(delegated Subject

Subjects <>

   - menu


Subjects of this topic. This property is to be used as the basis of
delegated "subjects" properties on other types.
masterSubject of <>



Different things (films, books, songs, etc.) this topic is the subject of.
I could envision having those 2 properties as well,
which probably could take care of a number of issues, although not a
"related to" issue.

I would vote "no" to any relatedness properties on Thing itself for now
until further discussion with SKOS is accumulated and lands in

+ThadGuidry <>
Thad on LinkedIn <>

Received on Tuesday, 8 April 2014 17:58:07 UTC