Re: LRMI inclusion status - and ISO work

Dan and others...

We are working on some completed docs and some still being finished.

There is a Quebec AP that is probably the best source of what we are  
doing: and then go to 'publications' on the menu  
and look for MLR Bindings Part 1

see also doc for LOM AP (2011-01) - I hope your French is good!

These are not the final versions but open ....

To understand our work:

We have a multipart standard 19788
Part 1 is the framework that provides the specs for term definition etc
Part 2 more or less adopts DC terms
Part 3 is the CanCore profile in MLR form
Part 4 is incomplete and tech terms
Part 5 is terms people want for pedagogy etc
Part 6 is something about access rights
Part 7 is bindings in RDF etc....
Part 8 is metametadata
Part 9 is terms for people
Part 10 is tricky stuff...

We would love comments that help us get our work right ... or at least  

thanks for your interest :-)


Received on Thursday, 21 March 2013 08:31:54 UTC