Re: Vehicles, and customizable products

Hi Francois,

> I am curious to know how you would do that. VSO recommends to make statements such as:
> foo:myCar vso:fuelType dbpedia:Diesel.
> How can you adapt that to handle configurations? For configurations, you have to be able to state, for instance, that the fuelType may be diesel or gasoline, but not electric. I don't see how you can do that using the vso:fuelType property

you simply define three gr:ProductOrServiceModel instances:

foo:BaseConfig a vso:Automobile, gr:ProductOrServiceModel.

foo:DieselConfig a vso:Automobile, gr:ProductOrServiceModel ;
		 vso:fuelType <>.

foo:GasolineConfig a vso:Automobile, gr:ProductOrServiceModel ;
		 vso:fuelType <>.

The you statet that foo:DieselConfig and foo:GasolineConfig are  gr:isVariantOf foo:BaseConfig.

foo:BaseConfig gr:isVariantOf foo:BaseConfig .
foo:DieselConfig gr:isVariantOf foo:BaseConfig .

By virtue of that, a data consumer knows that there 

- there is a base model without fuel type information and
- there are two variants (specializations) thereof, one with Gasoline, one with Diesel as a fuel type.

It does not explicitly tell you that there CANNOT be a variant with electric fuel, but since negation is a complex topic at Web scale, this is not really a shortcoming, as far as I can see.

And actually, you can model that in already as of now, if you use vso:Automobile or pto:Automobile with the additionalType property:

<div id="base_config" itemprop="isVariantOf" itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#BaseConfig">
	<link itemprop="additionalType" href="" />
	<span itemprop="name">The ACME Base Car </span>

<div itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#DieselConfig" itemref="base_config">
	<span itemprop="name">The ACME Car with Diesel Engine </span>
	<link itemprop="" href="" />

<div itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#GasolineConfig" itemref="base_config">
	<span itemprop="name">The ACME Car with Gasoline Engine </span>
	<link itemprop="" href="" />

The Google Structured Data Testing Tool will warn that it does not know the property <>,

Error: Page contains property "" which is not part of the schema.

but that is just cosmetics, since the tool could and should be configured to accept external properties as long as they use a full URI (or at least give a warning instead of an error).

So with adding VSO to, you could model at least basic variant information with And it would be a minor task to implement that.

This does not reduce the potential of your more ambitious work in defining a full ontology for car specifications, but it would already get us far quickly, and that with a pattern that is the same for many vertical industries.

By the way: One small thing that I do not like about your proposal is that you say that a configuration is both a gr:MakeAndModel and a gr:Offering. Those are  two distinct entities, even if they often appear as a pair.


On Jul 27, 2013, at 9:40 AM, Francois-Paul Servant wrote:

> Hi Martin, and all
> Le 26 juil. 2013 à 10:04, Martin Hepp <> a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> for the automotive segment, I strongly recommend integrating
>> into
>> It is a GoodRelations extension for all kinds of vehicles and will thus nicely fit to the already existing GoodRelations elements in
>> Exposing configuration information can basically be done in two ways:
>> 1. Exposing the *rules* for compatibility of components; that is what Volkswagen does with their COO ontology,
>> 2. Exposing (a subset of) actually buildable cars or partly configured cars; this is what can be done with basic elements, plus maybe the conceptual modeling work done at Renault.
>> For Web markup, I recommend the second route, but it will not require more than just translating the VSO ontology into a extension proposal, and I will tackle that as soon as my resources permit.
> I am curious to know how you would do that. VSO recommends to make statements such as:
> foo:myCar vso:fuelType dbpedia:Diesel.
> How can you adapt that to handle configurations? For configurations, you have to be able to state, for instance, that the fuelType may be diesel or gasoline, but not electric. I don't see how you can do that using the vso:fuelType property
> Best,
> fps

martin hepp
e-business & web science research group
universitaet der bundeswehr muenchen

phone:   +49-(0)89-6004-4217
fax:     +49-(0)89-6004-4620
www: (group) (personal)
skype:   mfhepp 
twitter: mfhepp

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Received on Monday, 29 July 2013 08:24:40 UTC