Dan, Wes and Martin,
Thank you all for taking your time to respond to me.
Dan: I did have the opportunity to use RDFa instead of microdata. I have
now converted my usecase to use a prefix based on [1] (but not published on
the web yet). That said, I'm a bit unsure what my prefix URL should be.
Will I need to publish a file like [2]? Is there a
tutorial/guide/primer/standard that describes how to do this? If you could
point me in the right direction I'd be grateful.
[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-lite/#bib-RDFA-PRIMER
[2] http://open.vocab.org/terms.ttl
Martin wrote:
> However, I slightly prefer a pattern with a new property
"availabilityTimes" that links a set of suitable types (e.g. ContactPoint)
to an OpeningHoursSpecification.
I agree. Using "availabilityTimes" instead of "openingHours" sounds
reasonable. I have no updated my annotations.
> By the way, that one is waiting for integration into schema.org. I has
been on my desk for quite a while and I will tackle the task of drafting a
derived proposal as soon as my resources permit.
Just making sure -- were you referring to proposing introducing "