Extension of the schema.org medical vocabulary

Hi all

At our work group we actively use the schema.org medical vocabulary for
modeling a health information system. However, we find that there are 
some entities that seem to be described very rudimentary. E.g. the drug 
class models the 'activeIngredient', 'administrationRoute' or 
'dosageForm' simply as text, which doesn't provide much "semantic 
We also would like to propose a tighter coupling of Services/Business 
and Medical Entities. Currently we implement these things in our own 
ontologies which you will find here [1] bit by bit.

My first question is now: Is there a broader interest/demand in
improving this part of the vocabulary or are we the only ones with this 
And second: Is there any ongoing collaboration at the moment towards
improving the medical vocabulary or should we just start a new proposal
at the wiki?

Thanks for your feedback.

All the best,

[1] http://www.dispedia.de/Site/Schema.html

Received on Friday, 19 July 2013 02:12:26 UTC