- From: Adrian Giurca <giurca@tu-cottbus.de>
- Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 12:06:19 +0100
- To: Joshua Wulf <jwulf@redhat.com>
- CC: public-vocabs <public-vocabs@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <511B73AB.4050404@tu-cottbus.de>
Your markup is inline with the Microdata specification http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/microdata.html Relating the Blog with the LocalBusiness item should be done by specifying a property (itemprop). If the blog is the blog of Atma then you should use one of the authorship properties such as "creator". This way you can also distinguish the blog creator from the http://schema.org/BlogPosting authors Would you need more example visit http://getschema.org We also provide services to extract the semantic annotations as RDF data. -Adrian Giurca On 2/13/2013 1:13 AM, Joshua Wulf wrote: > We're currently working on a schema.org to triples parser. How do we handle this: > > I have a Wordpress blog site [1] with a schema.org plugin. The plugin puts this into the body tag: > > <body itemtype="http://schema.org/Blog" itemscope="" class="home blog" data-twttr-rendered="true"> > > Inside that body I have an address that is marked up with LocalBusiness: > > <div itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/LocalBusiness"> > <span itemprop="name">Atma Yoga</span> > <span itemprop="description">Yoga studio in the Brisbane CBD.</span> > <div itemprop="address" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/PostalAddress"> > <span itemprop="streetAddress"><strong>1st Floor, 99 Elizabeth Street</strong></span> <span itemprop="addressLocality"><strong>Brisbane</strong></span><br> > Phone: <span itemprop="telephone"><strong>0458 108 008</strong></span> > </div> > </div> > > So the LocalBusiness item occurs inside the body tag. > > Two questions: > > 1. Is this valid? > 2. Does it imply semantically that the LocalBusiness item is somehow an attribute of the item identified in the body tag, the blog? > > - Josh > > > [1] http://www.atmayoga.com.au > > -- -Adrian Twitter <http://www.twitter.com/giurca> LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/adriangiurca>
Received on Wednesday, 13 February 2013 11:07:16 UTC