Re: proposal to add factChecker and copyEditor to NewsArticle

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Is there another venue more appropriate for this sort of thing?


On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 9:00 PM, John Bachir <> wrote:

> The typical roles in producing a journalistic work are: writer, editor,
> fact-checker, copy-editor.
> *Thing > CreativeWork > Article > NewsArticle* has these properties of
> type Person:
> accountablePerson
> author
> contributor
> copyrightHolder
> creator ("the same as the Author property for CreativeWork" -- I don't
> know what that means)
> editor
> provider
> All of these are from CreativeWork.
> I propose that NewsArticle, or maybe Article for one or both, add the
> following two properties of type Person:
> factChecker
> copyEditor
> Before I put together a more detailed proposal on the wiki, I'm looking
> for some initial feedback from this group.
> Thanks,
> John

Received on Tuesday, 16 October 2012 20:35:13 UTC