Re: Comment versus UserComments

On 9 March 2012 09:51, Dan Brickley <> wrote:
> On Friday, 9 March 2012, Daniel Dulitz <> wrote:
>> Regarding :
>> The "issues" section implies that the text property might be added to
>> Comment:
>>   "text" is added; it carries the textual body of the comment.
>> Can we remove that bullet and add "text" to the list of properties that
>> are inherited (previous bullet)?
>> Thanks everyone,
> Good point; fixed. Thanks,

Just to close out another issue. The partners resolved
today, on the basis of these discussions and the materials in the
wiki, to move ahead with the proposal described in


* Add a 'Comment' type, a subclass (e.g. like Review) of CreativeWork.
"A comment on an item - for example, a comment on a blog post."
* Clarify that the existing UserComments class represents the
UserInteraction event that creates it.
* Add a 'text' property to the CreativeWork class, whose value is the
Text of the work (and hence of the comment); loosely analogous to the
'audio' and 'video' properties of CreativeWork.

I have closed
accordingly, and actioned myself to reflect this consensus into a
change request at

Thanks everyone for the design discussions and advice,



Received on Friday, 9 March 2012 20:42:09 UTC