worstRating below 1


The worstRating property description indicates 1 as the lowest value for a
rating (I guess it refers to the 1 to 5 rating).
worstRatingNumber or TextThe lowest value allowed in this rating system. If
worstRating is omitted, 1 is assumed
In a media publication about hospitals rating, the rating scale goes from 0
to 20 (even if no hospital got the "0" rating !)
So I gave the value "0" to worsRating property and "20" to bestRating
The Google Rich Snippet testing tool does not take account of the "0" value
and replaces it by a blankspace  (see below)
I understand Google Snippet tools is independant of the
schema.orgspecification, but I wonder if the fact that 1 is assumed as
worstRating possible by Schema.org might have an impact.


Item 7
*Type:* http://schema.org/review
itemreviewed = Centre hospitalier universitaire (CHU), Toulouse
datepublished = 2012>2012 <span itemprop=
reviewrating = *Item*( 8 )
Item 8
*Type:* http://schema.org/rating
worstrating =
ratingvalue = 19,89
bestrating = 20

+33 6 01 22 48 55, delahousse.jean@gmail.com, skype: jean.delahousse
@jdelahousse, http://jean-delahousse.info

Received on Monday, 5 March 2012 15:43:48 UTC