Re: Real Estate sites using Product and Offer?

Dear Kurt,
According with documentation a is 
is "anything that is made available for sale".
I am not sure what do you mean by using the RealEstate... Is 
such class available?

Otherwise you may consider extending or use a specific vocabulary if you 
know one. However, as a fast implementation I would encourage to use 
Product. Later if you find not enough properties to enrich your markup 
you may consider the extension.

-Adrian Giurca

On 12/27/2011 6:25 PM, Kurt Maine wrote:
> I've noticed several real estate listings sites, including one of the 
> largest ( are marking up their property pages (the page 
> dedicated to a single home for sale) as a Product, an Offer, or both.
> Can someone explain to me the advantage of marking up a real estate 
> listing as a Product or Offer, as opposed to using the Real Estate 
> markup?
> Does the use of Product/Offer allow you to use additional useful 
> properties that Real Estate doesn't?
> Any insight into why large, reputable companies may have come to that 
> decision is appreciated.

Received on Tuesday, 3 January 2012 14:10:26 UTC