Re: legacy spelling; see singular form

Thanks Phil. I'll have a look at the references you provided. 

On 2012-12-13, at 6:31 AM, Phil Barker <> wrote:

> On 12/12/2012 22:51, Cory Sand wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've noticed that certain properties have a singular and plural form
>> (e.g., blogPost and blogPosts). In the description of the plural
>> property, it invariably says "legacy spelling; see singular form".  Is
>> this meant to imply that the plural form of the property has been
>> deprecated?
> Short answer: yes.
> Long answer, see
> and the discussion around
>> Plural forms seem to have a meaningful interpretation, so that's why
>> I'm not sure why they would be deprecated. For example, if you have a
>> blog site, and if you were to wrap individual blogs that are on the
>> homepage in a div (for styling purposes for example) or a section
>> element (to separate the blog content from other content on the page),
>> then it would make sense to do:
>> <div itemprop="blogPosts"> or <section itemprop="blogPosts">
> But what would a processor make of the contents of such a division? which I guess would be something like a list of names (titles of posts, authors) and URLs. Which name goes with which URL?
> Better to wrap each blog post up as the individual itemprop that it is.
> Phil
>> But just because it makes sense doesn't necessarily mean it hasn't
>> been deprecated for some reason (unknown to me). Can anyone help?
>> Thanks,
> -- 
> <>
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Received on Thursday, 13 December 2012 16:48:00 UTC