Re: weekend reading: Actions/Activities; Audience draft, and Class/Property.

I'll focus on the audience bit, i.e.

On 30/11/2012 19:23, Dan Brickley wrote:
> Hi folks
> A few things on the front:


> 2. The Audience proposal; based on the RDFa schema in
> I've built a test version
> of the site that includes the Audience proposal (see
> ). The draft site is at
> e.g. see


 From a technical point of view, this is fine of course. From an ethical 
one, there are aspects I find seriously worrying if not potentially 

Why does anyone need to define the maximum age of an audience? An adult 
friend of mine is not a strong reader. He reads books targeted at 11 
year olds - and enjoys them. Why put it in his face that he's reading 
children's books?

Minimum age - fine. We understand that. But you won't ever see a maximum 
age on a film or game.

Daft. Drop it.

Gender? For a target audience? What? OK, so I'm a wishy washy dripping 
wet liberal but if a girl wants to play with "boys' toys" or a boy wants 
to read "chick lit" - why not? I think the content should speak for 
itself and the potential consumer decide whether he/she wants it. The 
Twilight saga is basically aimed at teenage girls, yes? I know at least 
one teenage boy that read the whole series and many post-teenage girls 
who enjoyed it too.

Of course content *is* targeted at gender, but I don't think it should 
be part of the data.

Drop it.

The parental ones - i.e. this is for parents of children aged x - y does 
make sense. That's potentially useful for parents.




Phil Archer
W3C eGovernment
See you at the Transatlantic Research on Policy Modelling Workshop
January 28 - 29 2013, Washington DC
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Received on Friday, 7 December 2012 10:01:53 UTC