RE: Flattening Microdata

It's too bad we're guessing about this.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Antonia Rosati []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 12:08 PM
> To: LeVan,Ralph; Sandhaus, Evan; Public Vocabs
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Flattening Microdata
> Ralph, I will back you up.
> During my summer work in the NCAR library marking up metadata with RDF
> and, I came across a couple of "how-to" and "best practices"
> articles stating that cannot/should not be used strictly
> with the <meta> tag, and certainly not only in the header.
> I wanted to do this for one of my case studies, but moved away from it
> (without experimenting) because of these recommendations. In the end,
> the only downfall I saw was that the HTML was less human-readable.
> Toni Rosati
> NARCCAP User Community Liaison
> National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
> On Wed, 8 Aug 2012 11:57:25 -0400
>   "LeVan,Ralph" <> wrote:
>   Evan, could you explain why you want to do this?
>   My understanding is that this is discouraged behavior.  Search
> engines
>   don't trust metadata that isn't visible to users.  The library
> community
>   got very excited about using meta tags years ago and then discovered
>   that they were being ignored.
>   Could someone else verify my understanding of the meta tag?
>   Thanks!
>   Ralph
>   Ralph LeVan
>   Research Scientist
>   OCLC
> From: Sandhaus, Evan []
>   Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 11:44 AM
>   To: Public Vocabs
>   Subject: Flattening Microdata
>   Hello all!
>   I'm interested in 'flattening' <>
>   object
>   markup into the <head> element using <meta> elements.  In theory one
>   should be able to use the "itemref" and "id" attributes to 'flatten'
> an
>   object hierarchy into a set of metatags - but in practice this leads
> to
>   unexpected results.
> For example:
>   Suppose we have a NewsArticle with the headline 'A Test Headline'
> that
>   has a creator that is a Person that has the name 'Evan S Sandhaus'
> and
>   the url ''.  Here is an example of how to flatten
> that
>   out in the <head> using id and itemref:
>   <html itemid='the_article_id' itemscope
>   itemtype=''>
>                  <head>
>                                  <!-- Article properties in global
> scope
>   -->
>                                  <meta itemprop='headline' content='A
>   Test Headline'/>
>                                  <!-- Author Properties Flattened with
>   itemref and ids -->
>                                  <meta itemprop='creator' itemscope
>   itemtype='' itemid='the_creator_id'
>   itemref='author_name author_url'/>
>                                  <meta id='author_name'
> itemprop='name'
>   content='Evan S Sandhaus'/>
>                                  <meta id='author_url' itemprop='url'
>   content='' <'/> /
> <'/> >
>                  </head>
>                  <body>
>                  </body>
>   </html>
>   So that's the theory.
>   In practice, however, both the Rich Snippets Tool and the Python
>   microdata libraries I'm using locally
>   ( both insist on adding the
>   creator-specific properties to both the scope of both the creator and
>   the NewsItem.
>   More concretely - my local tools give me this:
>   [{
>      "id": "the_article_id",
>      "properties": {
>          "creator": [{
>              "id": "the_creator_id",
>              "properties": {
>                  "name": ["Evan S Sandhaus"],
>                  "url": [" <> "]
>              },
>              "type": ""
>          }],
>          "headline": ["A Test Headline"],
>          "name": ["Evan S Sandhaus"],
>          "url": [" <> "]
>      },
>      "type": ""
>   }]
>   And the Rich Snippets tool gives me this:
>   Item
>   Type:

>   headline = A Test Headline
>   creator = Item( 1 )
>   name = Evan S Sandhaus
>   url =

>   Item 1
>   Type:

>   name = Evan S Sandhaus
>   url =

>   So the question is: is this expected behavior?  If so, is there
> anything
>   I could do besides this to "flatten" the markup into the <head>
> element?
>   Thanks!
>   ~Evan
>   --
>   Evan Sandhaus
>   Lead Architect, Semantic Platforms
>   The New York Times Company
>   @kansandhaus

Received on Thursday, 9 August 2012 01:27:29 UTC