Property to designate parent entity

In trying to add markup to my content, I have found something 
that I think should be added to the schemas. A Place should have a 
property for operated-by or owned-by to designate an Organization as 
being the owner or operator of that place. This is like the inverse of 
the location property of Organization. Allowing more than one entry 
would allow for a Place that is under shared ownership.

Similarly, an Organization ought to have a property to designate its 
parent organization, such as a faculty indicating that it is part of a 
university. This would be like the inverse of the members property. 
Allowing more than one such parent would allow a joint venture to point 
to both of its sponsors.

Liam Morland, Web CMS Team, IST
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Received on Monday, 23 April 2012 18:34:15 UTC